CONSTITUTION OF BRIDLINGTON MODEL BOAT SOCIETY  (To download your own copy please click HERE)
(Amended AGM March 2022)




The club shall be called Bridlington Model Boat Society with headquarters at Lancaster Road, Carnaby Industrial Estate, Bridlington, East Yorkshire. The address for the purpose of all correspondence shall be that of the serving secretary. “East Coast Model Trucks, “Carnaby Crawlers” or any other named sub-groups which operate within the boundary fence of B.M.B.S. Are bound by the Constitution and Rules (or where amended) of this Society.





2.1 The association of a club of persons


2.2 To promote the construction and operation of radio control models


2.3 The provision and maintenance of club premises as described at 1 above


2.4 The other advantages and benefits usually associated with a club




All persons of not less than 18 years of age shall be eligible for membership. Junior non-voting membership shall be available to those persons under the age of 18 years.




The club shall consist of an unlimited number of ordinary and temporary members subject to the proviso that at no time shall the % of ordinary members living outside the boundary of the East Riding of Yorkshire exceed 49%. The Committee shall from time to time determine the total number of full, temporary and honorary members, as circumstances dictate. Such total shall not be set at a number less than the current total membership of the club.  Any further applicants, once any limit on membership has been reached, shall be placed on a waiting list to be maintained by the Membership Secretary. Membership vacancies shall be filled from the list in chronological order of application.




Any person wishing to join the club must present him/her self to any member of the committee. Providing the total membership of the Club as may be determined by the committee has not been reached, on receipt of a completed application form, the Membership Secretary will ask for ratification of the application at the next committee meeting and shall accept the applicant as a full member until the next Annual General Meeting by entering the said applicant’s name on the list of members when the applicant presents him /herself at the next club meeting. Any applicant joining after the 31st August in any year shall pay the entry fee and 50% of the subscription as may be determined at the preceding Annual General Meeting. Any applicant joining after 30th November of any year shall pay the entry fee and 25% of the subscription rate as may be determined at the preceding Annual General Meeting. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote. The renewal of all applications for membership for the ensuing year shall be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting. The wife/husband/partner of any fully paid up member may sail and use the club’s facilities.


Upon the recommendation of the committee, Honorary Membership for the ensuing year may be awarded at the Annual General Meeting, to those full members who are considered to have given outstanding service to the club during the previous 12 months. Honorary membership shall be awarded free of subscription, or at a substantially reduced rate.


As a mark of respect the committee may at their discretion bestow on a member or family member Free Life membership to BMBS.

(this is particularly relevant where a former members ashes have been scattered upon the Lake)




The subscription and entrance fee shall be decided by the committee at their February meeting and notified to members as in para 7. Notification will also be included at each Annual General Meeting. Any junior member, upon reaching the age of 18 years will receive a 50% reduction in the annual subscription rate provided he or she continues in either full time education or apprenticeship. This will cease at age 21 or if the member leaves full time education or apprenticeship, whichever is the earlier. Proof of full time education or apprenticeship must be produced each time membership fees are paid.


Any former member who wishes to retain an interest in the club, attend meetings and visit the lake may do so providing he or she makes representation to the committee. On payment of a much reduced subscription, to be determined from time to time by the committee, permission will be given for the former member to attend meetings as a non-voting member and also visit the lake as a non-sailing member. These memberships will be knows as ‘Friends of BMBS’ and will be annually renewable at the AGM.






Annual Subscriptions (Except the first subscription of a new member as provided by rule 5) shall become payable on the day of the February club meeting. Notification of the amount due shall be notified by the secretary to each member either by e-mail or letter immediately following the February committee meeting. No further reminders will be issued




All entrance fees and subscriptions shall be paid in cash ,By Electronic Bank Transfer or by cheque made payable to “Bridlington Model Boat Society” and crossed A/c Payee

any such Bank Transfer is by prior arrangement with Club Treasurer or Membership Secretary and must specify “ Your Name in Full, BMBS Subscription and the relevant Year".

Eg. “Name-BMBS-Subs-2020”




If any member shall fail to pay his/her subscription by the last day of March, that member will henceforth be treated as a new member and will also be required to pay the necessary joining/entrance fee, unless by a previously notified arrangement. All entrance fees and subscriptions shall be paid in the same manner as above.





Temporary members shall be admitted to the club for a fixed period only at the discretion of the committee. Any person wishing to apply for temporary membership must apply directly to any committee member. Temporary members shall pay such subscription as determined from time to time. No entrance fee shall be charged to any temporary member.




Temporary members shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership except that they shall not be entitled to vote as members or claim any share of the property upon its dissolution







Any member may resign his/her membership by giving the secretary notice in writing. Every such notice, unless otherwise expressed, shall be deemed to take effect immediately





If any member shall be convicted on indictment of any criminal offence, he/she shall immediately cease to be a member of the club, but the committee shall have the power in it’s discretion to reinstate him/her without the entrance fee.




It shall be the duty of the committee if at any time it shall be of the opinion that that the interest of the club so require, by letter, to invite any member to withdraw from the club within a time specified in such letter and in default of such withdrawal to submit the question of his/her expulsion to a special general meeting to be held within 6 weeks after the date of such letter. Not less than 4 weeks notice shall be given to the members. It shall be the duty of the secretary to inform the member in question the time and place of the meeting and the nature of the complaint against him/her in sufficient time to afford him/her a proper opportunity to offer his/her explanation of his/her conduct verbally or in writing, and, if after that two thirds of the members present shall vote for his/her expulsion, he/she shall immediately cease to be a member of the club, provided that the voting at any such special general meeting shall be by ballot if not less than 5 members present at that meeting shall so demand. It shall be in the power of the committee to exclude such member from the club until such special general meeting be held.




Any person shall on ceasing to be a member of the club, forfeit all rights to and claim upon the club and it’s property and funds.




The management of this club (except as otherwise provided by these rules) shall be deputed to a committee who shall be elected at the annual general meeting, normally consisting of Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Captains of each discipline. In addition the President, Vice Presidents and Trustees shall be Ex-officio members of this committee. A Quorum shall consist of 4 (four) of the foregoing officials.




At the Annual General Meeting, the CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY, TREASURER and COMMITTEE MEMBERS (not being Trustees or the President or Vice Presidents for the time being or members of the committee appointed under rule 19 or Captains of each discipline who will stand down at the October meeting) shall retire and be eligible for re-election. Any member wishing to stand for election must make him/herself known to the President or the Presidents appointed representative no later than at the time of the Annual General Meeting. Members shall be voted in to serve for the office for which they have volunteered by a show of hands. No more than 12 (twelve) serving officers shall be elected to the following positions: CHAIRMAN, TREASURER, SECRETARY, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, COMMITTEE MEMBERS AS REQUIRED and CAPTAINS OF EACH DISCIPLINE. The Captains of each discipline shall stand down at the October meeting and will serve for the ensuing 12 months. All members will be eligible for election to any of these posts and will form part of the managing committee. Any member wishing to stand for the office of any captain of any discipline must present themselves to the members at the October meeting.

 In the event of more than one volunteer for the same office, a secret ballot shall be held with any casting vote being made by the President or his appointed representative.




The committee shall have the power to appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy on the committee until the next Annual General Meeting. Any member so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election at such meeting.




The President, Vice Presidents and Trustees shall be elected by the committee. The President shall hold office for a period not in excess of 5 years and on completion of the Presidency shall become a life member of the society. The Trustees and Vice Presidents shall hold office until death or resignation, unless removed from office by a resolution of the committee. The number of Trustees shall be not more than 4 (four) and not less than 2 (two) and the property of the club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the treasurer) shall be vested in them. They shall deal with the property of the club as directed by resolution of the committee (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence), and they shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the club property. The trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the committee which may for any reason seem sufficient to a majority of the members of the committee present and voting at any such meeting may remove any trustee or trustees from the office of trustee. Where by reason of any such death, resignation or removal, it shall appear to the committee that a new trustee or trustees shall be appointed or, if the committee shall deem it expedient, to appoint an additional trustee or trustees, the committee shall by resolution nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new trustee or trustees. For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination, the President is nominated as the person to appoint new trustees of the club within the meaning of the Trustee Act of 1925 section 36, and he shall by deed appoint the person or persons so nominated by the committee as the new trustee or trustees of the club and the provision of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact in any such deed of appointment shall, in favour of a person dealing bona fide and for value for the club or the committee, be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.




The committee shall meet at least 4 (four) times each year to examine the accounts and arrange the affairs of the club. 4 (four) members of the committee shall form a quorum. Minutes shall be taken of all proceedings and shall be open to inspection by any member on application to the secretary.




The committee shall from time to time make, repeal and amend all such regulations not inconsistent with these rules as it shall think expedient for the management and well being of the club. All regulations made by the committee by this rule shall be binding on the members until repealed by the committee or set aside by resolution at a general meeting of the club. Any membership in default shall be notified by the secretary and may be removed from membership.




The committee shall have the power to appoint and dismiss a secretary and other such servants as it shall deem necessary and may elect any servant an honorary member of the club during his/her tenure of office or for such shorter time as it thinks fit.





If at any time in general meeting the club shall pass a resolution authorising the committee to borrow money, the committee shall be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the club such amount of money either at one time or from time to time at such rate of interest and in such form and manner and upon such security as shall be specified in such resolution, and the trustees shall at the direction of the committee make all such dispositions of the club property or any part of the club property and enter into such agreements in relation to the club property as the committee shall deem proper for giving security for such loans and interest. All members of the club whether voting on such resolution or not, and all persons becoming members of the club after the passing of such resolution, shall be deemed to have assented to the resolution as if they had voted in favour of it.




The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held in March each year on a date and time to be fixed by the committee for the following purposes.


24.1To receive from the committee a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year and an estimate of the receipts and expenditure for the current financial year.


24.2 To fill the vacancies for the committee as described in paragraph 17 (seventeen) and to appoint an auditor (accounts overseer) for the ensuing financial year.


24.3 To decide on any resolution, which may be submitted to the meeting in the following manner provided below.


24.4 To recommend the annual subscription for the ensuing year.


24.5 To vote upon the membership for the ensuing year.


24.6 To appoint honorary membership for the ensuing year.




Any member desirous of moving any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice to the secretary not later than the last day of January.




The committee may at any time for any special purpose call a special general meeting, and shall do so immediately on the requisition of any 20 members or one fifth of the total membership entitled to vote stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.




At least 31 days before the Annual General Meeting or any special general meeting, the secretary shall send a notice to all members stating the date, time and venue of the meeting and proposed agenda.









At all annual and special general meetings of the club, the President or a member selected by the committee, shall take the chair. Every ordinary member present shall be entitled to one vote on every motion, and in the case of equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote. The committee shall be empowered, if it thinks fit, to make regulations for enabling members unable to be present to vote by proxy or in writing.




The quorum at all annual and special general meetings shall be as follows :-


29.1 For motions proposing any repeal, addition or amendment of the rules 15 (fifteen)


29.2 For repeal of any regulation - 10 (ten)


29.3 For motions relating to the expulsion of any member - 19 (nineteen)


29.4 For all other business - 5 (five)




The financial year of the club shall end on 20th day of February each year, to which day the accounts of the club shall be balanced.




At the Annual General Meeting a maximum of 2 (two) members of the club, not being committee members, shall be elected to serve as auditors (accounts overseers) for the ensuing year. The auditors (accounts overseers) shall audit the accounts of the club not less than 5 (five) days before the Annual General Meeting. A vacancy occurring in the office of auditor (accounts overseer) during the year shall be filled by the decision of the committee.




Every member shall be allowed to introduce visitors subject to the regulations as shall be made from time to time by the committee, and every visitor shall be considered the guest of and be accompanied by the member introducing him/her provided that no person be introduced as a visitor into the club who shall have been expelled from membership of this club or who’s conduct or presence on the club premises shall be considered by the committee objectionable or prejudicial to the interest of the club.




No member shall, except for professional services rendered at the request of the committee, on any pretence or in any manner, receive any profit, salary or emoluments from the funds or transactions of the club.


33.1  Any work, items, or goods once donated and accepted by the club committee,

become the property of the Bridlington Model Boat Society. This includes any

model bridges, buildings, or groundworks to the crawler hill, road system,

quarry ,tank areas or anywhere on site, and is regardless of the price paid/cost of the donation.

No member shall have lien against the club for his/her contributions.

(This is effectively all goods are free on-board, for the use of all members).





Every member of the club shall from time to time communicate his/her address or that of his banker or agent to the secretary, and all notices sent by first class post to such address shall be considered as having been given on the day of posting.




The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules and of the regulations made from time to time by the committee, and the decision of the committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the club and not provided for by these rules or by the regulations shall be final and binding on members.





These rules may be added to, repealed or amended at any Annual or Special general meeting provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it is carried by a majority of at least two thirds of the members voting on such resolution.




If at any general meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the club shall be passed by a majority of the members present and at a special general meeting held not less than 6 (six) weeks later (of which not less than 4 (four) weeks written notice has been given to each member) and at which not less than half of the members shall be present, that resolution shall be confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of two thirds of the members voting on such resolution, the committee shall immediately, or at such future date as shall be specified by such resolution, proceed to realise the property of the club and after the discharge of all liabilities shall donate the remaining funds realised to a charity or charities to be decided upon by the trustees serving at the time of the said dissolution, and on completion of such division the club shall be dissolved.




Amended March 2022